区泽堂,湖南工程学院特聘教授,博士生导师,1981年获英国佰拉福大学博士学位。因在表面科学和多相催化领域的杰出贡献,于2003年被母校利物浦大学授予科学博士荣誉。英国皇家化学会特许化学师、亚太催化学会成员、中国催化学会成员。权威期刊Applied Catalysis A: General编委,Catalysis Surveys from Asia编委。主持HK Research Grants Council基金15项和Faculty Research Grants HKBU基金34项等研究经费共计800多万港币;发表学术研究论文400余篇,其中多篇发表于Nature (IF=40.13, 1篇)、J Catal (IF=6.84, 15篇)、ACS Catal (IF=10.3, 3篇)、AIChE J (IF=2.84, 2篇)、Appl Catal B (IF=9.44, 15篇)、Chem Eng J (IF=4.321, 2篇)、Green Chem (IF=9.12, 3篇)、Chem Commun (IF=6.32, 4篇)、Carbon (IF=6.196, 8篇)等国际期刊上,h-index为48。曾在国际学术会议上作口头报告10余次。
1977/09-1980/08英国佰拉福大学,博士,导师:W. Roberts教授
1974/10-1977/07英国利物浦大学,学士,导师:D. King教授
2015/09 -至今湖南工程学院,特聘教授
2004/09 -至今湖南大学,客座教授
2000/09 - 2014/08香港浸会大学,教授
1995/09 - 2000/08香港浸会大学,副教授
1990/09 - 1995/08香港浸会大学,讲师
1987/09 - 1990/08厦门大学,教授
1986/06 - 1987/08厦门大学,副教授
1980/09 - 1986/05英国卡迪夫大学,博士后和助理研究员,合作导师:W. Roberts教授
[1]Xingtian Zhao, Ran Zhang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Peng Xu, Jun Yang, Zhuo Han, Zhiquan Hou, Hongxing Dai*,Chaktong Au*, In-situ reduction-derived Pd/3DOM La0.6Sr0.4MnO3: Good catalytic stability in methane combustion,Catalysis Science &Technology, 2018, 568: 202-212. (SCI二区, IF=5.77,)
[2]Peng Xu, Xing Zhang, Xingtian Zhao, Jun Yang, Zhiquan Hou, Lu Bai, Huaiqiu Chang, Yuxi Liu, Jiguang Deng, Guangsheng Guo, Hongxing Dai*,Chaktong Au*, Preparation, characterization, and catalytic performance of PdPt/3DOM LaMnAl11O19for the combustion of methane,Catalysis Science &Technology,2018, 562: 284-293. (SCI二区, IF=5.77,)
[3]Yao Yao, Jing Zhao, Weijie Ji*,Chaktong Au*, Enhanced low temperature CO oxidation by pretreatment: specialty of the Au-Co3O4oxide interfacial structures,Catalysis Science &Technology,2016, 6(7), 2349-2360 (SCI二区, IF=5.77)
[2] Shaohua Zhang, Chuan Shi, Bingbing Chen, Yali Zhang,Yongjun Zhu*, Jieshan Qiu,Chaktong Au*, Catalytic role of β-Mo2C in DRM catalysts that contain Ni and Mo,Catalysis Today, 2015, 258: 676-683 (SCI二区, IF=4.63)
[3] Huanggen Yang, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Yang Jiang, Hongxing Dai*, ChakTong Au*, Au/MnOx/3DOM SiO2: Highly active catalysts for toluene oxidation,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 507: 139-148 (SCI二区, IF=4.34)
[4] Hao-Ming Lv, Ding-Hao Yuan, Wenping Liu, Yi Chen,Chak-Tong Au, Shuang-FengYin, A highly selective ESIPT-based fluorescent probe for cysteine sensing and its bioimaging application in living cells,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 233(5) , 173-179 (SCI, IF: 5.401,一区)
[5] Kui Zeng, Lang Chen, Yi Chen, Yongping Liu, Yongbo Zhou,Chak-Tong Au, Shuang-Feng Yin, Iron(III) Chloride-Mediated Regio‐and Stereoselective Chlorosulfonylation of Alkynes and Alkenes with Sodium Sulfinates,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2017, 359 (5), 841-847 (SCI, IF: 5.646,一区)
[6] Jinguo Long, Xin Cao, Longzhi Zhu, Renhua Qiu, Chak-Tong Au, Shuang-Feng Yin, Takanori Iwasaki, and Nobuaki Kamb, Intramolecular, Site-Selective, Iodine-Mediated, Amination of Unactivated (sp3)C–H Bonds for the Synthesis of Indoline Derivatives,Organic Letters, 2017, 19 (11), 2793-2796 (SCI一区, IF=6.579)
[7] Peng Wang, Lang Chen, Jun Xie, Hang Li,Chak-Tong Au, Shuang-Feng Yin, Enhanced catalytic performance in CH3Br conversion to benzene, toluene, and xylene over steamed HZSM-5 zeolites,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7(12), 2559-2565 (SCI二区, IF=5.77)
[8] Jun Xie, Lang Chen, Wu-Hui Wang, Peng Wang,Chak-Tong Au, Shuang-Feng Yin, Direct dual-template synthesis of HZSM-5 zeolite for enhanced p-xylene selectivity in toluene methylation with CH3Br,Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 1211-1216 (SCI二区, IF=5.77)
[9] Jie He, Lang Chen, Zi-Qi Yi,Chak Tong Au, Shuangfeng Yin, CdS Nanorods Coupled with WS2 Nanosheets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Activity.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016 , 55 (30), 8327–8333 (SCI二区, IF=2.843)
[10] Jie He, Lang Chen, Zi-Qi Yi, Du Ding, Chak Tong Au, Shuangfeng Yin, Fabrication of two-dimensional porous CdS nanoplates decorated with C3N4nanosheets for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production from water splitting,Catalysis Communications, 2017, 99, 79-82 (SCI三区, IF=3.330)
[2] Jing Hu, Donghui Lan*, Nianyuan Tan, Shuisheng Wu, Xiao Liu,Chaktong Au*, Bing Yi*, Multi-group functionalized graphene oxide as a high-efficiency catalyst for CO2cycloaddition reaction under mild conditions,第十八届全国催化学术会议,天津,2017年10月16-20日,墙报。
[4] Yanxi Gong, Donghui Lan*, Nianyuan Tan, Shuisheng Wu, Biao Cao,Chaktong Au*, Bing Yi*, Multi-cationic ionic liquids functionalized graphene oxide as a high-efficiency catalyst for CO2cycloaddition reaction under mild conditions,中部四省化学化工学会2017年学术年会,湖南,长沙,2017年10月27日-10月29日。
[5] DongHui Lan, NianYuan Tan, ShuiSheng Wu, Bing Yi*,ChakTong Au*, Synergistic Effects in ILs Related Carbon Catalysts for the Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from CO2and Epoxides, CAMURE-10 & ISMR-9,QingDao,July 7-10, 2017,Oral
主持完成HK Research Grants Council基金15项和Faculty Research Grants HKBU基金34项等研究经费共计800多万港币。
[1] 2017年省级境外人才与智力引进项目:应用化学特色学科建设,5万,起止时间:2017.1-2017.12,主持
[3] HK Research Grants Council基金,The utilization of encapsulated nanoparticles in heterogeneous catalysis,2008-2009,HK$317,000,主持,香港研究资助局
[4] HK Research Grants Council基金,The utilization of one-dimensional perovskite La1-xSrxMO3(M = Co, Mn; x = 0-0.4) nanomaterials for the combustion of volatile organic compounds,2007-2008,HK$300,000,主持,香港研究资助局
[5] HK Research Grants Council基金,Synthesis and characterization of self-assembled mesorporous VPO-RExZr1-x-yYyO2 (RE = Ce, Pr; x = 0-0.2; y = 0.1-0.4): a new class of catalysts for the selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride,2003-2005,HK$380,000,主持,HK Research Grants Council
[6] HK Research Grants Council基金,Catalytic reaction in a supersonic nozzle beam: CO2 reforming of CH4,2002-2005,HK$575,000,主持,HK Research Grants Council